I think its quite funny, that I have been writing about the history of Israel spying on their "ally" the United states, and then I come across this article
The article is about Jonathan Pollard, an American Jew who had a career as an intelligence analyst for the US Navy. He was arrested in 1985 and sentenced life in prison for Espionage. Pollard stole US Nuclear Detterents secrets and gave them to Israel. Israel in turn traded them to Soviet Russia for increased emigration quotas for Russian Jews. By this act, Israel completely undermined the United States deterrence against the USSR, a deterrence that had cost taxpayers some $5 trillion in 1960s dollars.
I just have one simple question to ask. Since American Jewish organizations have lobbied for the release of a traitor, where were these same American Jewish organizations in the run up to the Iraq war when the public was spoon fed lies by the media? Where they protesting then?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Poverty gap in US has widened under Bush
The poverty gap in the US has widened under Pres Bush, while billions upon billions upon billions of dollars are used for an illegal and immoral war that never should of happened.
But hey, what do I know?
But hey, what do I know?
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hundreds of U.S soldiers returning from Middle East are homeless
Hundreds of U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are ending up homeless. How could this happen?
Maybe the over $3 billion sent to Israel every year could be used to take care of our returning troops.
Maybe the over $3 billion sent to Israel every year could be used to take care of our returning troops.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The anti-Semetic smear tactic
I couldnt possibly agree more... The anti-Semetic smear tactic
Buy Ryan Dawson's book Welcome To The USSA:Corruption in the government & media
Buy Ryan Dawson's book Welcome To The USSA:Corruption in the government & media
Israeli special forces kill Palestinian fighter
Mahmoud Abu Obeid was killed by Israeli forces dressed up as Palestinians.
Lesson: Never accept a claim that the Palestians/Arabs did this or the Palestians/Arabs did that at face value ever again.
Lesson: Never accept a claim that the Palestians/Arabs did this or the Palestians/Arabs did that at face value ever again.
Half of Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza malnourished
"Food Insecutiry" = Forced Starvation.
Deliberatly created ghetto's, an apartheid wall, an illegal military occupation in Palestine and a history of conducting espionage against it's "ally", the Unites States, yet Israel still gets an estimated $10-$15 million dollars a day, amounting to over $3 billion dollars a year in US Aid.
Your tax payer dollars at work, folks.
Deliberatly created ghetto's, an apartheid wall, an illegal military occupation in Palestine and a history of conducting espionage against it's "ally", the Unites States, yet Israel still gets an estimated $10-$15 million dollars a day, amounting to over $3 billion dollars a year in US Aid.
Your tax payer dollars at work, folks.
Soldier Avoids Death With Plea Deal
Soldier Avoids Death With Plea Deal
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) -- A U.S. soldier broke down in tears in court as he described his role in the gang rape and slaying of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her family last year.
Support Our Troops huh?
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) -- A U.S. soldier broke down in tears in court as he described his role in the gang rape and slaying of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her family last year.
Support Our Troops huh?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Pentagon caught in Lies concerning Iran and the 81MM mortar shell
Read the story here and make up your own conclusions.
Israeli Arab Couple Residency Denied
Since last night I talked briefly about Zionism and Israel, I thought this story I came across today would be rather fitting to be posted. The report is about a young Israeli Arab couple, Ahmed Zvidat and Fahina Avrik. The couple, who were residents of the town of Sakhnin, were denied residence in the town of Rakefet, after their plans to build a house in Sakhnin were also denied.
If find it simply funny that so many Israeli's and Jews like Abraham Foxman had conniptions over Jimmy Carter's book and his statements about apartheid, even though Palestine is under a current military occupation and also has lost land that is rightfully theirs. Not to mention the apartheid wall that cuts into Palestinian land and prevents an estimated 250,000 Palestinians from reaching family, their jobs, access to adequate drinking water, jobs to provide for their families and schools so children can get an education. Not to mention the thousands of Palestinian and Arab homes which have been bulldozed by the Israeli government.
Now, I dont not support acts of terrorism, nor do I believe terrorism will end terrorism. But with some of the conditions Palestinians and Arabs have to put up with because of Israel, when they blow themselves up or throw rocks at Israeli military, who can blame them?
If find it simply funny that so many Israeli's and Jews like Abraham Foxman had conniptions over Jimmy Carter's book and his statements about apartheid, even though Palestine is under a current military occupation and also has lost land that is rightfully theirs. Not to mention the apartheid wall that cuts into Palestinian land and prevents an estimated 250,000 Palestinians from reaching family, their jobs, access to adequate drinking water, jobs to provide for their families and schools so children can get an education. Not to mention the thousands of Palestinian and Arab homes which have been bulldozed by the Israeli government.
Now, I dont not support acts of terrorism, nor do I believe terrorism will end terrorism. But with some of the conditions Palestinians and Arabs have to put up with because of Israel, when they blow themselves up or throw rocks at Israeli military, who can blame them?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Latest smear attempt by CNN
Watch this short clip
Here are the things I noticed in the clip upon first viewing.
1. Paula Zahn claims there is no physical evidence evidence to support the claims that Jews were behind 9/11. There is a multitude of problems with this. First, is that CNN nor Paula Zahn can apparently make the distinction between, Israeli's, Jews, or Zionists. Secondly, there is evidence whether it be hard or circumstantial, that the Israeli Mossad and Zionists, not the Jews, have a history of framing Arabs/Palestinians for terror attacks they did not commit. 9/11 was a Mossad/US false flag operation, as anyone with a general knowledge of Mossad and their false flag operations will attest too. Oh and the rumors and conspiracy theories about Jews being behind 9/11 have not been discounted, because the mainstream media is looking at the wrong question. Jews were not behind 9/11. What they should be asking is, what did Israeli's or zionist have to do with 9/11 if anything at all?
2. Why aren't they asking the people who believe Israeli intelligence or Jews were behind 9/11 questions?
3. CNN got their facts foxed. Paula Zahn claims that the belief is that some 4,000 Jews in the New York area were warned by instant messages, not to go to work on 9/11. That is horribly false. Two employees of the Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo recieved a warning on 9/11 of a possible terror attack taking place in NYC that day, not 4,000 Jews as Zahn claims.
4. Paula Zahn asks the opinion of Wilton Sekzer, a retired police sergeant who is Jewish and whose son was killed on 9/11. Instead of adressing documented information, Zahn and Sekzer go the emotional route by mentioning the very minimal human remains of Sekzter's son. So it seems as if the fact that Sekzer is Jewish and his son passing away on 9/11 makes him an expert on 9/11, and also makes his claim of people who believe in the rumor of 4,000 Jews not going to work that day as "asinine" and "anti-semites", that much more valid than anyone elses. What a joke.
5. Zahn has Bolly address him being labeled an anti-semite (who cares?) even though he previously lived in Israel for 3 years and even got married there. Bollyn said he is not anti-semetic and it is the main charge that has been thrown against him for years because he is a critic of the Zionist policy. CNN didn't include the small fact of Bollyn previously living in Israel because of what followed next.
6. Debra Lauter of the ADL says it's a very common technique among anti-semites. "They will twist things, and say im not an anti-semite I just believe X,Y and Z. It is very important that this little comment was placed right after Bollyn's. To the viewer it appears as if there is a man saying he is not anti-semetic, but then there is a women(from the ADL) right after who says it's a common technique for anti-semites to deny being anti-semetic, as if to discredit Bollyn's statement of not being anti-semetic. Remember, Bollyn lived in Israel for 3 years and even got married there, but he is still anti-semetic according to Lauter. If you believe that one, I have one of Saddam's nuclear weapons stored in my garage that I want to sell you.
7. Then of course they go to a panel of 3 guest and the host, who claims "there is absolutely no evidence that anybody other than Al-Qaeda was involved with this attack". Obviously, Zahn has not seen the report of the 5 dancing Israelis nor the report of 200 Israeli spies arrested in the time after 9/11 as reported by FOX's Carl Cameron in late 2001. Zahn then asks the opinion, not to my suprise of course, of someone who is Jewish. He then try's to gain sypmathy by saying "look, we have been kicked around for 2,000 years". Give me a break!
Im sure Mr. Gross has not been to the occupied territory that is Palestine to see if they agree with him. He also says "everytime there is trouble, we are scapegoated. Were not the only ones who are scapegoated, but were scapegoated". Asks the innocent Muslims and Arabs who are many a time blamed for terror attacks they did not commit worldwide. I think they might know a thing or two about being scapegoated. Gross than says "They are paranoid. You cannot debunk this theory, it is madness as well as idiocy to think that the Jews brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11". I agree with Mr. Gross. The Jews did not bring down the WTC. But again, looks like Gross has a problem distinguishing Jews from Israeli's and Zionist. He then mentions racism. I think the facist Zionist government of Israel knows a thing or two about racism don't they Mr. Gross?
Murdock then says "I think its very important to, as this war on terror continues, to point out exactly who the bad guy is. Which are Islamo-fascist who want you, you, you and me dead and want people dead around the country and they'll engage in tremendous violence killing thousands of people all around the world even before 9/11". Now, I wont deny that Islamo-fascism exist. But there is political movement many times more dangerous, powerful and violent than Islamo-fascism. The people in this movement wrote about the removal of Saddam Hussein and a war with Iraq in 1996, 7 years before it happened. The people in this movement were the head of the Defense Board Policy(DPB) and the Office of Special Plans (OSP), which where the two offices responsible for the lies cranked out about Iraq. The people who wrote the Israeli Policy Papers in 1996 (which calls for the removal of Hussein as an "important Israeli objective in it's own right") for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu, and the people who were in charge of the OSP and DPB are one in the same. What a coincidence.
The people in this movement are now using deception to try and sway Washington and public opinions into war with Iran,(using the mainstream media as its launch pad for disinformation and propaganda) claiming it is it's greatest threat. This racist and violent movement is known as Zionism.
Here are the things I noticed in the clip upon first viewing.
1. Paula Zahn claims there is no physical evidence evidence to support the claims that Jews were behind 9/11. There is a multitude of problems with this. First, is that CNN nor Paula Zahn can apparently make the distinction between, Israeli's, Jews, or Zionists. Secondly, there is evidence whether it be hard or circumstantial, that the Israeli Mossad and Zionists, not the Jews, have a history of framing Arabs/Palestinians for terror attacks they did not commit. 9/11 was a Mossad/US false flag operation, as anyone with a general knowledge of Mossad and their false flag operations will attest too. Oh and the rumors and conspiracy theories about Jews being behind 9/11 have not been discounted, because the mainstream media is looking at the wrong question. Jews were not behind 9/11. What they should be asking is, what did Israeli's or zionist have to do with 9/11 if anything at all?
2. Why aren't they asking the people who believe Israeli intelligence or Jews were behind 9/11 questions?
3. CNN got their facts foxed. Paula Zahn claims that the belief is that some 4,000 Jews in the New York area were warned by instant messages, not to go to work on 9/11. That is horribly false. Two employees of the Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo recieved a warning on 9/11 of a possible terror attack taking place in NYC that day, not 4,000 Jews as Zahn claims.
4. Paula Zahn asks the opinion of Wilton Sekzer, a retired police sergeant who is Jewish and whose son was killed on 9/11. Instead of adressing documented information, Zahn and Sekzer go the emotional route by mentioning the very minimal human remains of Sekzter's son. So it seems as if the fact that Sekzer is Jewish and his son passing away on 9/11 makes him an expert on 9/11, and also makes his claim of people who believe in the rumor of 4,000 Jews not going to work that day as "asinine" and "anti-semites", that much more valid than anyone elses. What a joke.
5. Zahn has Bolly address him being labeled an anti-semite (who cares?) even though he previously lived in Israel for 3 years and even got married there. Bollyn said he is not anti-semetic and it is the main charge that has been thrown against him for years because he is a critic of the Zionist policy. CNN didn't include the small fact of Bollyn previously living in Israel because of what followed next.
6. Debra Lauter of the ADL says it's a very common technique among anti-semites. "They will twist things, and say im not an anti-semite I just believe X,Y and Z. It is very important that this little comment was placed right after Bollyn's. To the viewer it appears as if there is a man saying he is not anti-semetic, but then there is a women(from the ADL) right after who says it's a common technique for anti-semites to deny being anti-semetic, as if to discredit Bollyn's statement of not being anti-semetic. Remember, Bollyn lived in Israel for 3 years and even got married there, but he is still anti-semetic according to Lauter. If you believe that one, I have one of Saddam's nuclear weapons stored in my garage that I want to sell you.
7. Then of course they go to a panel of 3 guest and the host, who claims "there is absolutely no evidence that anybody other than Al-Qaeda was involved with this attack". Obviously, Zahn has not seen the report of the 5 dancing Israelis nor the report of 200 Israeli spies arrested in the time after 9/11 as reported by FOX's Carl Cameron in late 2001. Zahn then asks the opinion, not to my suprise of course, of someone who is Jewish. He then try's to gain sypmathy by saying "look, we have been kicked around for 2,000 years". Give me a break!
Im sure Mr. Gross has not been to the occupied territory that is Palestine to see if they agree with him. He also says "everytime there is trouble, we are scapegoated. Were not the only ones who are scapegoated, but were scapegoated". Asks the innocent Muslims and Arabs who are many a time blamed for terror attacks they did not commit worldwide. I think they might know a thing or two about being scapegoated. Gross than says "They are paranoid. You cannot debunk this theory, it is madness as well as idiocy to think that the Jews brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11". I agree with Mr. Gross. The Jews did not bring down the WTC. But again, looks like Gross has a problem distinguishing Jews from Israeli's and Zionist. He then mentions racism. I think the facist Zionist government of Israel knows a thing or two about racism don't they Mr. Gross?
Murdock then says "I think its very important to, as this war on terror continues, to point out exactly who the bad guy is. Which are Islamo-fascist who want you, you, you and me dead and want people dead around the country and they'll engage in tremendous violence killing thousands of people all around the world even before 9/11". Now, I wont deny that Islamo-fascism exist. But there is political movement many times more dangerous, powerful and violent than Islamo-fascism. The people in this movement wrote about the removal of Saddam Hussein and a war with Iraq in 1996, 7 years before it happened. The people in this movement were the head of the Defense Board Policy(DPB) and the Office of Special Plans (OSP), which where the two offices responsible for the lies cranked out about Iraq. The people who wrote the Israeli Policy Papers in 1996 (which calls for the removal of Hussein as an "important Israeli objective in it's own right") for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu, and the people who were in charge of the OSP and DPB are one in the same. What a coincidence.
The people in this movement are now using deception to try and sway Washington and public opinions into war with Iran,(using the mainstream media as its launch pad for disinformation and propaganda) claiming it is it's greatest threat. This racist and violent movement is known as Zionism.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
US able to strike Iran in the spring
Here is an article I discovered written by Ewen MacAskill for the Guardian Unlitmied, a British online newspaper.
Keep this, and other articles similar to this in mind when the next terrorist attack, which will in actuallity be a false flag operation, happens but will susbsequently be blamed on Iran or Al-Qaeda.
Oh and for those who might now know what a false flag operation is, here is the encyclopedia definition: False Flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations or other ogranizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. Basically, its when governments or corporations carry out terrorist attacks and create false evidence blaming the attack on their enemies.
Keep this, and other articles similar to this in mind when the next terrorist attack, which will in actuallity be a false flag operation, happens but will susbsequently be blamed on Iran or Al-Qaeda.
Oh and for those who might now know what a false flag operation is, here is the encyclopedia definition: False Flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations or other ogranizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. Basically, its when governments or corporations carry out terrorist attacks and create false evidence blaming the attack on their enemies.
What did the President of Iran Mammoud Ahmadinejad really say?
" A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pants on"
That is a quote by former President of the United States, Winston Churchill. I can't say that I disagree either. According to a legend almost every major mainstream media outlet in the US and around the world, the President of Iran threatened to "wipe Israel off the map" despite having never uttured the words "map", "wipe out", or even "Israel".
So what did Mr. Ahmadinejad really say?
To quote his exact words in Farsi, he said: "Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad".
Now here is a word by word translation: Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from), which can be found here and here
As you may have noticed by now, Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the land mass or Israel the country, but the fascist political Zionist regime which occupies the Israeli government. It is also important to understand the context within this statement was made.
According to the 1967 International Recognized Borders, East Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians and is currently being occupied illegally by Israeli military, as is the West Bank. No country has recognized Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 rejected as a violation of international law!
In the full speech, he also gives examples of 3 regimes within the past 30 years who have collapsed or crumbled:
The Shah Of Iran (Which the US helped install. The operation was called Operation Ajax)
The Soviet Union
Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein
Now, even if the major media outlets that carried the lies concerning what Ahmadinejad really said were to each issue a public apology, the damage has already been done. What has just been demonstrated is proof of media manipulation and propaganda at work. Considering that many of the Board Of Directors and CEO's of the major news network are Zionist and also have money invested in the Military-Industrial-Complex, it doesn't suprise me one bit.
That is a quote by former President of the United States, Winston Churchill. I can't say that I disagree either. According to a legend almost every major mainstream media outlet in the US and around the world, the President of Iran threatened to "wipe Israel off the map" despite having never uttured the words "map", "wipe out", or even "Israel".
So what did Mr. Ahmadinejad really say?
To quote his exact words in Farsi, he said: "Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad".
Now here is a word by word translation: Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from), which can be found here and here
As you may have noticed by now, Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the land mass or Israel the country, but the fascist political Zionist regime which occupies the Israeli government. It is also important to understand the context within this statement was made.
According to the 1967 International Recognized Borders, East Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians and is currently being occupied illegally by Israeli military, as is the West Bank. No country has recognized Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 rejected as a violation of international law!
In the full speech, he also gives examples of 3 regimes within the past 30 years who have collapsed or crumbled:
The Shah Of Iran (Which the US helped install. The operation was called Operation Ajax)
The Soviet Union
Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein
Now, even if the major media outlets that carried the lies concerning what Ahmadinejad really said were to each issue a public apology, the damage has already been done. What has just been demonstrated is proof of media manipulation and propaganda at work. Considering that many of the Board Of Directors and CEO's of the major news network are Zionist and also have money invested in the Military-Industrial-Complex, it doesn't suprise me one bit.
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