Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fmr. Senator Mike Gravel owns the Democrats

Comment: Fmr. Alaka Senator Mike Gravel has just done something that most of Congress doesnt have the intestinal fortitude or courage to say. He spoke truth to power and said what bloggers and others have been saying since March of 2003, when the illegal invasion of Iraq began, as anyone with a half a brain already knows by now. I would of loved to see the entire debate and to hear the more than likely ridiculous rebutals that Pro-War Zionist like Edwards, Obama and the most feverish of them all, Clinton had to say. Remember, you dont have to be Jewish to be a complete Zionist,again, as anyone with a half a brain knows.

I was very suprised when Graver mentioned that this government is owned by the Military Industrial Complex. This is something I have been saying for sometime now. Although many Pro-War Zionist go to war for Israel, it also benefits the Arms & Defense industry, which uses Israel as a cash cow with its current occupation of Palestine.

As anyone knows, wars mostly benefit the Arms & Defense industries. It is in their best interest, monetarily wise, to have wars going on so they can supply countries with guns, tanks, helicopters and F-16's etc. The colossaly big problem is when many of the people who have money invested in Arms & Defense industries or sit on the Board Of Directors (BOD's) of Arms & Defense conractors, were the ones controlling our foreign policy and gathering false evidence to go to war with Iraq for Israel. Also they just oh so happen to be Jewish, complete Zionist and or Dual-Citizens with Israel. (Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Abrams, Kristol, Ledeen)

It becomes an even bigger problem when people who sit on the BOD's of Mainstream Media Outlets are also sitting on the BOD's of major banks and Arms & Defense contractors.

Which is why the Mainstream Media will cover up and lie about why exactly the current war for example, was started, to shape their agenda and spoonfeed it to a largely gullible population. The Mainstream Media has already proven that they, for the most part, are nothing more than a cheerleader and an armchair of this administration. Thats what Fmr. Senator Mike Gravel means when he says, or anyone else says, that out government is owned by the Military Industrial Complex.

It is owned by people who dont care about how many soldiers die in vain in Iraq, the millions of homeless in the U.S. and the safety of the American people, they only care for themselves and money. It is owned by people who use government to monetarily fund the Arms & Defense contractors in which they work for and have money invested in. Just take a look at the current war and the people (3 paragraphs up)who were pushing for a war with Iraq. The people used cheerleaders in the New York Times like Judith Miller and Michael Gordon to pump the lies out about Iraq. Hell, the epople who wanted war with Iraq even manufactured documents that said Saddam was trying to acquire Uranium from Africa. This is know as the Niger Forgeries.

Even thought it can take anyone 10 mins to find that out, there are still people, even intelligent ones, who believe we invaded Iraq based on one of the following: 9/11, Saddam's "ties to Al-Qaeda", WMD's, to spread freedom & democcracy and finally because Saddam was using the proceedes from the UN program "Oil for Food" that Iraq recieved and was buying weapons with it instead. The reasons, are myth's that you would have to be fucking stupid, or rather inebriated to believe. Now, im not saying that because I want you to agree with me, I say it because it should be logic 101, but apparently many people have forgot what that was, and are now starting to realize why exactly the fuck we illegally invaded Iraq in the first place.

UN Resolution 1441 specifically states that Iraq dissarm the WMD's they had and cease all production of chemical weapons. But theres only one problem, what is there to dissarm or cease when there is nothing there at all! You cannot disprove a negative. It is a logical fallacy to try and disprove something that isint there in the first place. You cannot remove or destroy what you dont have. It should be logic 101. Something that needs to be taught in public schools all across the U.S.

Iraq obviously had nothing to do with 911. Saddam obviously had no ties to Al-Qaeda, as Richard Perle sitll believes. They obviously didnt have WMD's as any person above the age of 10 should know. We didnt invade to spread freedom and democracy, because many Iraqis have even admitted to Iraq being better and safer under Saddam's rule. Also, dropping Depleted Uranium (DU), which kills indiscriminately, all over Iraq in the name of spreading freedom and democracy would be as stupid and illogical as wanting your broken arm to heal, but yet you shoot yourself in the same broken arm with a Shotgun. Doesnt make very much sense to do such a thing would it?

I didnt think so. Oh and finally, we invaded Iraq because Saddam was taking the foreign aid for himself. Haha. Its funny how people believe that (even decently intelligence ones like school teachers. Also, none of the reasons the Mainstream Media has stated for invading Iraq, besides obviously being lies, are even the legal reasons as to why we invaded according to UN Resolution 1441

The Saddam using foreign aid excuse holds as much weight as me saying I have one of his Nookular Weapons in my garage on sale. And even it it was true, than how does dropping DU, White Phosphorus and MK 77 (upgraded form of Napalm) justify that? How does killing possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's help the people who werent reciving the foreign aid Saddam was allegedly using to buy weapons? Short answer is, it doesn't. Terrorism, will not stop terrorism. A "War On ( cough manufactured cough) Terror will only create terror.

I would just like to leave everyone who believed the lies pumped out about Iraq via the Mainstream Media.

On 9/11 roughly 3,000 people died. Since the illegal invasion of Iraq in March of 2003, I will go out on a limb and say 100,000 Iraqi's have been killed(im being very lenient with that figure). When you do the math, we have killed 33 times as many people in Iraq than those that died on 9/11. So, Does that help us heal our wounds and bring back the loved ones we have lost, or does it just make us 33 times the terrorist?

Love and Respect.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Mainstream Media at its finest!

Comment: Ahh American Mainstream Media at its finest folks. To be honest, this is the best thing I have seen on TV all week!

Why hear and read actual news that effect us all when we can be entertained by idiocy on the O'Reilly Factor?!

It was quite hilarious I must way. In short, more Michelle Malkin on the O'Reilly Factor pronto!