Israeli officer sells weapons to terrorists in Iraq
"Shmoel Avivi, an Israeli retired officer, had established a firm in Iraq 2 years ago, which secretly sold arms to terrorist groups in Iraq, Ma'ariv reported."
Comment: If this is true, it only goes to show the bias in the US mainstream media. But I find it very ironic that the media and so many administration officials were so outraged at the possibility of Iran arming militias in Iraq, and the lies that they tried to spoon feed the American public.
Where is the outrage over this? As far as I am concerned, I have not seen any major mainstream media outlets reporting this story of a former Israeli official selling arms to terrorist groups in Iraq has not been reported. Do the people in control of the media think the American people do not deserve to know this piece of information?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Bad Water Afflicting Iraq's Children
Bad Water Afflicting Iraq's Children
"Four years after the US-led invasion of Iraq that ousted deceased former president Saddam Hussein, the majority of Iraqis find it difficult to get safe water, despite the fact that the country is blessed with two abundant natural water sources, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."
Comment: Oh yes life is so much better under American Rule!
So much for spreading freedom and democracy huh. Oh and is it possible that the water in Iraq giving young children diahrrhea has been contaminated by Depleted Uranium? I thought so.
"Four years after the US-led invasion of Iraq that ousted deceased former president Saddam Hussein, the majority of Iraqis find it difficult to get safe water, despite the fact that the country is blessed with two abundant natural water sources, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."
Comment: Oh yes life is so much better under American Rule!
So much for spreading freedom and democracy huh. Oh and is it possible that the water in Iraq giving young children diahrrhea has been contaminated by Depleted Uranium? I thought so.
Security tight for Israeli mobster
Security tight for Israeli mobster
Okay, so let me see if I have this right.
This guy makes millions selling illegal drugs here in the US. He is tried and found guilty in a US court, but they send him back home to Israel as his sentence?
Can you imagine Pablo Escobar being busted for cocaine and sentenced to go home to Columbia, or for that matter Manual Noreiga being sentenced to go back to Panama.
Talk about kid gloves!
Okay, so let me see if I have this right.
This guy makes millions selling illegal drugs here in the US. He is tried and found guilty in a US court, but they send him back home to Israel as his sentence?
Can you imagine Pablo Escobar being busted for cocaine and sentenced to go home to Columbia, or for that matter Manual Noreiga being sentenced to go back to Panama.
Talk about kid gloves!
The First Fifteen Minutes of September 11th
The First Fifteen Minutes of September 11th
Within three hours of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Robin Hordon knew it was an inside job. He had been an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) for eleven years before Reagan fired him and hundreds of his colleagues after they went on strike in the eighties. Having handled in-flight emergencies and two actual hijackings in his career, he is well qualified to comment on what NORAD should have been able to achieve in its response to the near simultaneous hijacking of four domestic passenger carriers on the morning of September 11th, 2001.
Comment: Do not confuse this with the "I failed you, your country failed you" horsecrap that was being said after the 9/11 Commission Report was released. They did not fail you. It was not incomptetence that lead to the deaths of an estimated 3,000 people, as you would have to be a fool to think so. The reason NORAD stood down on 9/11 is because the Pentagon was running anti-terrorist training drills at the exact same time, making it so that Air Trafic Controllers think the actual attacks were part of an excercise.
Hence the now very highly circulated audio tape of "Is this real world or excercise" and then the person on the line saying "Oh everyone just left the room" when he is told that a decision has to be made within 10 minutes whether or not to scramble jets. The fake anti-terror drills, or war games, were being run so that the plans would be able to hit their targes untouched. Now thats not something I just pulled out of the air, that is fact. You can all go look it up for yourselves.
Within three hours of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Robin Hordon knew it was an inside job. He had been an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) for eleven years before Reagan fired him and hundreds of his colleagues after they went on strike in the eighties. Having handled in-flight emergencies and two actual hijackings in his career, he is well qualified to comment on what NORAD should have been able to achieve in its response to the near simultaneous hijacking of four domestic passenger carriers on the morning of September 11th, 2001.
Comment: Do not confuse this with the "I failed you, your country failed you" horsecrap that was being said after the 9/11 Commission Report was released. They did not fail you. It was not incomptetence that lead to the deaths of an estimated 3,000 people, as you would have to be a fool to think so. The reason NORAD stood down on 9/11 is because the Pentagon was running anti-terrorist training drills at the exact same time, making it so that Air Trafic Controllers think the actual attacks were part of an excercise.
Hence the now very highly circulated audio tape of "Is this real world or excercise" and then the person on the line saying "Oh everyone just left the room" when he is told that a decision has to be made within 10 minutes whether or not to scramble jets. The fake anti-terror drills, or war games, were being run so that the plans would be able to hit their targes untouched. Now thats not something I just pulled out of the air, that is fact. You can all go look it up for yourselves.
Tv Evangelist John Hagee Wants War with Iran, and Now!
TV Evangelist John Hagee Wants War With Iran, and He Wants It Now!
It is people like John Hagee and his mentally diseased followers that make me shake me head in disgust. How people can believe that if the world is in chaos that "Jesus" or "God" will come back down from "Heaven" to save his people is beyond me. Fairy Tales like these should be put in the same bin as flying pink unicorns who speak Japanese and can drive cars. That is why many Christians support Israel to the death and call for war with Iran, because they believe in the whole second coming myth (it is a myth!)
But I will spare myself the time and not go on a rant about wacky religions like Christianity at this time.
Alas, no matter how many false predictions these guys make, or how many damaging theological and political beliefs they espouse, people continue to follow their dangerous teachings. It’s time for both Christian and non-Christian alike to call this crowd out on their bad theology, false prophecies, and deadly worldview.
It is people like John Hagee and his mentally diseased followers that make me shake me head in disgust. How people can believe that if the world is in chaos that "Jesus" or "God" will come back down from "Heaven" to save his people is beyond me. Fairy Tales like these should be put in the same bin as flying pink unicorns who speak Japanese and can drive cars. That is why many Christians support Israel to the death and call for war with Iran, because they believe in the whole second coming myth (it is a myth!)
But I will spare myself the time and not go on a rant about wacky religions like Christianity at this time.
Alas, no matter how many false predictions these guys make, or how many damaging theological and political beliefs they espouse, people continue to follow their dangerous teachings. It’s time for both Christian and non-Christian alike to call this crowd out on their bad theology, false prophecies, and deadly worldview.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
A Must Read for Everyone
This is a small post written by Ryan Dawson of
You can by Ryan's book Welcome To The USSA
The primaries are more important than the election in a sense because the final election is only between two pre-selected candidates. Last presidential race, it was a decision between two pro-war candidates, Bush and Kerry both of whom are Zionists and both of whom approved of the war with Iraq. This coming election seems to be turning out the same way. Hillary and Obama and Edwards all want a war with Iran. The Republicans, aside from Ron Paul who the media is ignoring, want a war with Iran. The American public thinks that they have to vote for a winner and winner of course is only those candidates who have media attention. Of course the only candidates with media attention are the Zionists candidates; therefore the presidential election is run by the Zionist media.
All a person has to do is ignore the mass media and vote their conscience. Anything is not better than Bush, there are people who are even worse and there are people who are just as bad and that is exactly the situation we have right now. Vote anti-war or you are a hypocrite and a fool. If you do not vote for Ron Paul in the Primary election then America is fucked plain and simple. I am not saying that to scare you, I am saying that because it is the truth. I don’t like some of Ron Paul’s issues either, but at least he is anti-war both for Iraq and Iran and he is not a puppet to Israel. Last congressional election America did little other than paint the car a new color. It looks like the presidential election will be the same because of all the moron leftists will vote for Obama or some other shill just because they are not a Republican.
There is no light at the end of the tunnel, so long as Americans continue to elect Zionists, there will always be wars of profiteering for Israel. Bush leaving office means nothing if he is replaced with another Zionist shill like Obama or Hillary. The best strategy Obama can use is to compare himself to Hillary as if they are the only people running because given those choices people would choose Obama. And that is the tactic Time magazine used by throwing those two on the cover. At the same time Zionist TWAOL media ran the same ad (and yes it was an ad) on the front page news of AOL. Well we can deduce then that the media mogul Edgar Bronfman jr. (son of Edgar Bronfman sr. the president of the World Jewish Congress) wants Obama for president.
But you see those two warmongering Zionist pieces of trash are not the only choices in this election. Anyone supporting the war with Iran, which both Hillary and Obama do, should not even be being considered. This country is strongly anti-war and that does not just mean leaving Iraq it also mean not attacking anymore countries based on lies. We don’t have the money or the manpower to do it.
The media of course only mentions people like Edwards and company ranting about Iraq, a war he voted for and supported fully during the Kerry campaign, but not mentioning his war lust for Iran. All three of the current top Democrats are pro-Israel and have stated that the US is not doing enough about Iran.
People over 45 who statistically do not use the internet much or at all for news do not have a clue what is going on because all of their media is filtered to them by the mega-media conglomerates which are from top to bottom a Zionist arm of the administration. These are the people we must go out and reach. If we do not do this we are doomed, because these poor souls who have not broken through the monopoly over media will be suckered into the same old lame tricks and lies that have worked for decades.
A problem with mob rule democracy is that politicians can ignore intelligent people and aim at the masses lowest common denominator with flashy propaganda. Whoever has the most money can afford the most TV time and use the most propaganda. This is why the Republican Party was hijacked by Christian evangelist. That herd votes in a block and has a very authoritarian personality type. The advantage of sheep like ideas is that they can be grasped by the many and they have unity. What we have now is theatre. Politicians market themselves like they were a consumer item.
With the TV they can create reality. If Americans do not want to go to war then just threaten them by lying to them. If the lie is on TV then enough Americans will believe it. The “News” has become like a holy sacrament of truth even though the mass media has a history of perpetual lying and cover ups. Too many people will not admit to themselves that the media is lying lol until they see that in the media, as if the press is going to tell on itself. The Facts are facts. The Administration was not the only group lying to the American people. The American media was a full partner in the lies and the cover up. I think compiling an abcd list of the lies would be an insult to your intelligence. Unless you have been in a coma, then you should know about it or you are one of the baseline, bottom feeding, ignoramus, sheep I am talking about.
The Bush Kerry election was so bad and turned my stomach so much that I left the country. Idiots were fighting for Kerry yet I already knew from the primaries that it was already over. Do you want a Globalist or an American imperialist; should I poke out your right eye or your left? How could anyone get excited and defend a warmongering, Zionist like Kerry or a warmongering, Zionist, Neoconservative like Bush? The only difference was that Kerry had an above a fourth grade reading level, where as Bush is an idiot. If we get stuck in the same situation because Americans become suckers and vote for who they hate the least instead of who the like the most then we get what we deserve.
You can by Ryan's book Welcome To The USSA
The primaries are more important than the election in a sense because the final election is only between two pre-selected candidates. Last presidential race, it was a decision between two pro-war candidates, Bush and Kerry both of whom are Zionists and both of whom approved of the war with Iraq. This coming election seems to be turning out the same way. Hillary and Obama and Edwards all want a war with Iran. The Republicans, aside from Ron Paul who the media is ignoring, want a war with Iran. The American public thinks that they have to vote for a winner and winner of course is only those candidates who have media attention. Of course the only candidates with media attention are the Zionists candidates; therefore the presidential election is run by the Zionist media.
All a person has to do is ignore the mass media and vote their conscience. Anything is not better than Bush, there are people who are even worse and there are people who are just as bad and that is exactly the situation we have right now. Vote anti-war or you are a hypocrite and a fool. If you do not vote for Ron Paul in the Primary election then America is fucked plain and simple. I am not saying that to scare you, I am saying that because it is the truth. I don’t like some of Ron Paul’s issues either, but at least he is anti-war both for Iraq and Iran and he is not a puppet to Israel. Last congressional election America did little other than paint the car a new color. It looks like the presidential election will be the same because of all the moron leftists will vote for Obama or some other shill just because they are not a Republican.
There is no light at the end of the tunnel, so long as Americans continue to elect Zionists, there will always be wars of profiteering for Israel. Bush leaving office means nothing if he is replaced with another Zionist shill like Obama or Hillary. The best strategy Obama can use is to compare himself to Hillary as if they are the only people running because given those choices people would choose Obama. And that is the tactic Time magazine used by throwing those two on the cover. At the same time Zionist TWAOL media ran the same ad (and yes it was an ad) on the front page news of AOL. Well we can deduce then that the media mogul Edgar Bronfman jr. (son of Edgar Bronfman sr. the president of the World Jewish Congress) wants Obama for president.
But you see those two warmongering Zionist pieces of trash are not the only choices in this election. Anyone supporting the war with Iran, which both Hillary and Obama do, should not even be being considered. This country is strongly anti-war and that does not just mean leaving Iraq it also mean not attacking anymore countries based on lies. We don’t have the money or the manpower to do it.
The media of course only mentions people like Edwards and company ranting about Iraq, a war he voted for and supported fully during the Kerry campaign, but not mentioning his war lust for Iran. All three of the current top Democrats are pro-Israel and have stated that the US is not doing enough about Iran.
People over 45 who statistically do not use the internet much or at all for news do not have a clue what is going on because all of their media is filtered to them by the mega-media conglomerates which are from top to bottom a Zionist arm of the administration. These are the people we must go out and reach. If we do not do this we are doomed, because these poor souls who have not broken through the monopoly over media will be suckered into the same old lame tricks and lies that have worked for decades.
A problem with mob rule democracy is that politicians can ignore intelligent people and aim at the masses lowest common denominator with flashy propaganda. Whoever has the most money can afford the most TV time and use the most propaganda. This is why the Republican Party was hijacked by Christian evangelist. That herd votes in a block and has a very authoritarian personality type. The advantage of sheep like ideas is that they can be grasped by the many and they have unity. What we have now is theatre. Politicians market themselves like they were a consumer item.
With the TV they can create reality. If Americans do not want to go to war then just threaten them by lying to them. If the lie is on TV then enough Americans will believe it. The “News” has become like a holy sacrament of truth even though the mass media has a history of perpetual lying and cover ups. Too many people will not admit to themselves that the media is lying lol until they see that in the media, as if the press is going to tell on itself. The Facts are facts. The Administration was not the only group lying to the American people. The American media was a full partner in the lies and the cover up. I think compiling an abcd list of the lies would be an insult to your intelligence. Unless you have been in a coma, then you should know about it or you are one of the baseline, bottom feeding, ignoramus, sheep I am talking about.
The Bush Kerry election was so bad and turned my stomach so much that I left the country. Idiots were fighting for Kerry yet I already knew from the primaries that it was already over. Do you want a Globalist or an American imperialist; should I poke out your right eye or your left? How could anyone get excited and defend a warmongering, Zionist like Kerry or a warmongering, Zionist, Neoconservative like Bush? The only difference was that Kerry had an above a fourth grade reading level, where as Bush is an idiot. If we get stuck in the same situation because Americans become suckers and vote for who they hate the least instead of who the like the most then we get what we deserve.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Iraq, PNAC, 911, Where do all the roads lead?
This is a film by Ryan Dawson of
Here is his film, Iraq, PNAC, 911, Where do all the roads lead?
Go buy Ry's book, Welcome To The USSA here
Join to learn more on the topics brought up in Ry's film
Here is his film, Iraq, PNAC, 911, Where do all the roads lead?
Go buy Ry's book, Welcome To The USSA here
Join to learn more on the topics brought up in Ry's film
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
More Ooga Booga from our Zionist- In- Cheif
This is just too funny to go unmentioned. President Bush has now cemented himself as the worst and most dullusional president in the history of the United States.
Ahh but what is a day in the United States without fear-mongering statements (Ooga Booga) being made by our leaders or the media.
President George W Bush used the fourth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war yesterday to warn that US withdrawal would unleash a "contagion of violence" that could spark a repeat of the September 11 attacks.
For him to say this, is just so astrnomically rotten. The best thing that could happen right now, is to get the troops out now!. They have absolutely no business being their in the first place. This administration has milked the tragedy that is 9/11 for every drop that it has.
"If American forces were to step back from Baghdad before it is more secure, a contagion of violence could spill out across the entire country. In time, this violence could engulf the region."
Response: Guess what Dubya, the violence already has engulfed the region!!!!
You know violence has engulfed the region when insurgents, or more properly, The Resistance, have outsmarted our troops with half of the resources the soldiers have. Of course, whats a day in the United States of Hysteria without the mention of Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda, literally means the database, or network.
But it' means that because Al-Qaeda is the database that the CIA kept of many Mujahideen fighters they trained, funded and armed to fight against the Soviet's, including the boogeyman Osama bin Laden. This is public knowlegde and has been for quite some now. bin Laden makes a good boogeyman. So whenever this administration, or any other need to present a false sense of a terror threat, they will pop in a video from decades ago and claim it was made recently by him. It was done in December of 2001 and in 2004.
Never surrender your liberties, for a false sense of security.
Ahh but what is a day in the United States without fear-mongering statements (Ooga Booga) being made by our leaders or the media.
President George W Bush used the fourth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war yesterday to warn that US withdrawal would unleash a "contagion of violence" that could spark a repeat of the September 11 attacks.
For him to say this, is just so astrnomically rotten. The best thing that could happen right now, is to get the troops out now!. They have absolutely no business being their in the first place. This administration has milked the tragedy that is 9/11 for every drop that it has.
"If American forces were to step back from Baghdad before it is more secure, a contagion of violence could spill out across the entire country. In time, this violence could engulf the region."
Response: Guess what Dubya, the violence already has engulfed the region!!!!
You know violence has engulfed the region when insurgents, or more properly, The Resistance, have outsmarted our troops with half of the resources the soldiers have. Of course, whats a day in the United States of Hysteria without the mention of Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda, literally means the database, or network.
But it' means that because Al-Qaeda is the database that the CIA kept of many Mujahideen fighters they trained, funded and armed to fight against the Soviet's, including the boogeyman Osama bin Laden. This is public knowlegde and has been for quite some now. bin Laden makes a good boogeyman. So whenever this administration, or any other need to present a false sense of a terror threat, they will pop in a video from decades ago and claim it was made recently by him. It was done in December of 2001 and in 2004.
Never surrender your liberties, for a false sense of security.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Four Year Anniversary of the illegal US occupation of Iraq
Today marks four years of the United States illegally occupying Iraq. What was once a land rich with opportunity, has now become nothing more than a former shell of itself, tared apart by a raging civil war between the Shiite's and the Sunnis.
We know who wanted this war, and who has benefited from it. The same group (OSP) who were spreading the monstrous lies about Iraq in 02 and 03, included some of the same people who co-authored the Israeli Policy Papers in 1996 for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu. In the Policy Papers, it clearly states wars over energy resources and the removal of Saddam Hussein as an "important Israeli objective in its own right". Of course, this has not been mentioned by the mainstream media. But I think that is because they are having too much fun reporting on the death of semi-celebrity Anna Nicole Smith. It all becomes much more clearer once you figure out who controls the media and the people behind it.
The Zionist in the Pentagon and in the Office of Special Plans(OSP), lead by Douglas Feith, are the people who fabricated intelligence to fit the accusations of the Iraqi regime having or trying to aquire WMD's. The OSP was created to obtain and supply senior Bush Administrations officials with raw intelligence. The OSP stovepiped intelligence to the White House to justify a war with Iraq. And by stovepiping I mean the OSP was piping, or feeding the White House raw intelligence that had bypassed established procedures for review by professional intelligence anaylyst for validity.
Now, it is quite obvious why the intelligence fabricated by the OSP and the Defence Policy Board (DPB) had to be stovepiped. It is because the intelligence was FAKE. It was not mistaken or bad intelligence as the media would have you believe. They were concious LIES sold to the American public to justify a war, and the mainstream media served as the cheerleader, regurgitating the lies verbatim. Lapdogs like Judith Miller and Michael Gordon of the New York Times for example.
If the fabricated intelligence was not stovepiped, it would have been subject to reviwing and would have been exposed as lies. You do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out for yourselves.
How convienient that the OSP was shut down 3 months after the illegal invasion of Iraq. The OSP members and its creator (Donald Rumsfeld) knew the lies would eventually be tracked backed to them and their group. That is why the OSP was nixed 3 months after the illegal invasion of Iraq. Also how convinient, that Douglas Fieth resigned from his position after one of the people who worked under him, Larry Franklin, was caught spying for Israel and AIPAC's headquarters were physically raided by the FBI. But wait, it gets worse. Franklin was also in Italy with Michael Ledeen when the documents that said Saddam was trying to aquire uranium from Niger were forged. Coincidence, obviously not, as you would have to be a fool to think so.
I will try and cover the Niger forgeries and post it ASAP, so you can see we have all been gotten, and now its time to pass this information on to others before another illegal invasion happens (Iran). If we do not learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them, or also be lied to again.
In short I want to leave you with a message that I heard someone say today. Should be said more often: "Enough is enough, everyone should be speaking out, get off your asses stop watching American Idol and stop this mindless killing!"
We know who wanted this war, and who has benefited from it. The same group (OSP) who were spreading the monstrous lies about Iraq in 02 and 03, included some of the same people who co-authored the Israeli Policy Papers in 1996 for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu. In the Policy Papers, it clearly states wars over energy resources and the removal of Saddam Hussein as an "important Israeli objective in its own right". Of course, this has not been mentioned by the mainstream media. But I think that is because they are having too much fun reporting on the death of semi-celebrity Anna Nicole Smith. It all becomes much more clearer once you figure out who controls the media and the people behind it.
The Zionist in the Pentagon and in the Office of Special Plans(OSP), lead by Douglas Feith, are the people who fabricated intelligence to fit the accusations of the Iraqi regime having or trying to aquire WMD's. The OSP was created to obtain and supply senior Bush Administrations officials with raw intelligence. The OSP stovepiped intelligence to the White House to justify a war with Iraq. And by stovepiping I mean the OSP was piping, or feeding the White House raw intelligence that had bypassed established procedures for review by professional intelligence anaylyst for validity.
Now, it is quite obvious why the intelligence fabricated by the OSP and the Defence Policy Board (DPB) had to be stovepiped. It is because the intelligence was FAKE. It was not mistaken or bad intelligence as the media would have you believe. They were concious LIES sold to the American public to justify a war, and the mainstream media served as the cheerleader, regurgitating the lies verbatim. Lapdogs like Judith Miller and Michael Gordon of the New York Times for example.
If the fabricated intelligence was not stovepiped, it would have been subject to reviwing and would have been exposed as lies. You do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out for yourselves.
How convienient that the OSP was shut down 3 months after the illegal invasion of Iraq. The OSP members and its creator (Donald Rumsfeld) knew the lies would eventually be tracked backed to them and their group. That is why the OSP was nixed 3 months after the illegal invasion of Iraq. Also how convinient, that Douglas Fieth resigned from his position after one of the people who worked under him, Larry Franklin, was caught spying for Israel and AIPAC's headquarters were physically raided by the FBI. But wait, it gets worse. Franklin was also in Italy with Michael Ledeen when the documents that said Saddam was trying to aquire uranium from Niger were forged. Coincidence, obviously not, as you would have to be a fool to think so.
I will try and cover the Niger forgeries and post it ASAP, so you can see we have all been gotten, and now its time to pass this information on to others before another illegal invasion happens (Iran). If we do not learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them, or also be lied to again.
In short I want to leave you with a message that I heard someone say today. Should be said more often: "Enough is enough, everyone should be speaking out, get off your asses stop watching American Idol and stop this mindless killing!"
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Third of Iraqi children now malnourished four years after US invasion
Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Iraq say that malnutrition rates have risen in Iraq from 19 percent before the US-led invasion to a national average of 28 percent four years later.
Caritas says that rising hunger has been caused by high levels of insecurity, collapsed healthcare and other infrastructure, increased polarisation between different sects and tribes, and rising poverty.
More mission accomplished!
Imagine, for just one moment, if these kids were your kids, dying due a foreign occupation.
What would be your opinion of the occupiers?
Caritas says that rising hunger has been caused by high levels of insecurity, collapsed healthcare and other infrastructure, increased polarisation between different sects and tribes, and rising poverty.
More mission accomplished!
Imagine, for just one moment, if these kids were your kids, dying due a foreign occupation.
What would be your opinion of the occupiers?
Terror Mastermind KSM is an Imposter - The Confession is Fake
The person who is said to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) clearly does not appear to be the person who masterminded the attacks of 911. It does not appear that he has ever masterminded anything.
He seems to be an imposter, a feeble-minded "fall guy," who has been tortured and whose mind has been manipulated in order to make these incredible claims.
I called this literally minutes after the false report was released!
He seems to be an imposter, a feeble-minded "fall guy," who has been tortured and whose mind has been manipulated in order to make these incredible claims.
I called this literally minutes after the false report was released!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Example of an Israeli false flag operation: Attack on the USS Liberty
"The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack...was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.... It was our shared belief. . .that the attack. . .could not possibly have been an accident.... I am certain that the Israeli pilots [and] their superiors. . .were well aware that the ship was American."
-Captain Ward Boston, JAGC, US Navy (retired), senior legal counsel to the US Navy Court of Inquiry
Yet the Anti-Defimatoin League, the Israeli Government and other apologist for Israel suggest this attack was a mistake and they confused the ship for the Egyptian ship El Qusier, even though the USS Liberty was flying 3 American Flags from stim to stern.
Just one of the numerous cases of Israeli false flag operations, in which Israeli forces have attacked the United States and tried, and sometimes successfully, to blame it's political enemies for the attack in order to turn public opinion and have the US fight their battles for them.
-Captain Ward Boston, JAGC, US Navy (retired), senior legal counsel to the US Navy Court of Inquiry
Yet the Anti-Defimatoin League, the Israeli Government and other apologist for Israel suggest this attack was a mistake and they confused the ship for the Egyptian ship El Qusier, even though the USS Liberty was flying 3 American Flags from stim to stern.
Just one of the numerous cases of Israeli false flag operations, in which Israeli forces have attacked the United States and tried, and sometimes successfully, to blame it's political enemies for the attack in order to turn public opinion and have the US fight their battles for them.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
US Soldiers accused of shooting in Sadr City
Reading stories like this has become all to frequent for my liking.
Winning the hearts and minds of the Arab world....
Winning the hearts and minds of the Arab world....
Friday, March 9, 2007
Dreams of bombs, bad guys haunt Iraqi children
Dreams of bombs, bad guys haunt Baghdad's children
Don't you love the way your tax dollars are "liberating" the children of Iraq?
Imagine, just for just one terrifying moment, that Zaman was YOUR child.
Don't you love the way your tax dollars are "liberating" the children of Iraq?
Imagine, just for just one terrifying moment, that Zaman was YOUR child.
Lewis "Scooter" Libby CONVICTED!
On tuesday March 6th, 2006, Dick Cheney's former Cheif of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby was found GUILTY on 4 of 5 counts he was being held at trial for. All I can say is, Hallelujah!. When it was annoucned that libby was CONVICTED! a little after 12 noon tuesday afternoon, I jumped for joy like a 9 yr old boy learning he's won an unlimited shopping spree to Toys' R US!!
Obstruction of justice: GUILTY!
False statements to FBI investigators about conversations with Tim Russert? GUILTY!
False statement to FBI investigators about conversations with Matt Cooper? not guilty =(
Perjury to the grand jury about Tim Russert conversation? GUILTY!
Perjury to the grand jury about Matt Cooper coversation? GUILTY!
Scooter Libby was simply more than Cheney's Cheif of Staff, he was a member of the Office of Special Plans (OSP), the Zionist blood for money cabal that cranked out the lies concerning Iraq and Saddam Hussein in the run up to the illegal invasion of Iraq. Almost every single member of the OSP was a Zionist, held dual citizenship with Israel, and more importantly, had ties to the Israeli government stemming from years back when Benjamin Netenyahu was the Israel Prime Minister.
Libby was also a member of Project For A New American Century (PNAC), the Zionist Neoconservative think tank which calls for full spectrum dominance and the need for a catastrophic event, like a new Pearl Harbor. Of course, the mainstream media did'nt mention this, but I wouldnt and didn't expect them too. Nor did the mainstream media mention the Niger forgeries..but thats fine. I'll be covering that in the next coming blogs
Obstruction of justice: GUILTY!
False statements to FBI investigators about conversations with Tim Russert? GUILTY!
False statement to FBI investigators about conversations with Matt Cooper? not guilty =(
Perjury to the grand jury about Tim Russert conversation? GUILTY!
Perjury to the grand jury about Matt Cooper coversation? GUILTY!
Scooter Libby was simply more than Cheney's Cheif of Staff, he was a member of the Office of Special Plans (OSP), the Zionist blood for money cabal that cranked out the lies concerning Iraq and Saddam Hussein in the run up to the illegal invasion of Iraq. Almost every single member of the OSP was a Zionist, held dual citizenship with Israel, and more importantly, had ties to the Israeli government stemming from years back when Benjamin Netenyahu was the Israel Prime Minister.
Libby was also a member of Project For A New American Century (PNAC), the Zionist Neoconservative think tank which calls for full spectrum dominance and the need for a catastrophic event, like a new Pearl Harbor. Of course, the mainstream media did'nt mention this, but I wouldnt and didn't expect them too. Nor did the mainstream media mention the Niger forgeries..but thats fine. I'll be covering that in the next coming blogs
Brave Israeli Soldiers Use Palestinian Girl as Human Sheild
Just thought I would let everybody in on this story.
Its also here
Oh and here is a video of the 11 year old Palestinian girl explaining what happened on that day in late February.
Your tax dollars at work, folks. An estimated $10-15 million of tax payer money flows to Israel daily. Doesn't it make you feel all warm inside?
Its also here
Oh and here is a video of the 11 year old Palestinian girl explaining what happened on that day in late February.
Your tax dollars at work, folks. An estimated $10-15 million of tax payer money flows to Israel daily. Doesn't it make you feel all warm inside?
Monday, March 5, 2007
The Suicide for 72 Virgins Myth
Go here and read about the myth of fanatical Muslims killing themselves to go to heaven and recieve 72 virgin women.
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