Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Must Read for Everyone

This is a small post written by Ryan Dawson of

You can by Ryan's book Welcome To The USSA

The primaries are more important than the election in a sense because the final election is only between two pre-selected candidates. Last presidential race, it was a decision between two pro-war candidates, Bush and Kerry both of whom are Zionists and both of whom approved of the war with Iraq. This coming election seems to be turning out the same way. Hillary and Obama and Edwards all want a war with Iran. The Republicans, aside from Ron Paul who the media is ignoring, want a war with Iran. The American public thinks that they have to vote for a winner and winner of course is only those candidates who have media attention. Of course the only candidates with media attention are the Zionists candidates; therefore the presidential election is run by the Zionist media.

All a person has to do is ignore the mass media and vote their conscience. Anything is not better than Bush, there are people who are even worse and there are people who are just as bad and that is exactly the situation we have right now. Vote anti-war or you are a hypocrite and a fool. If you do not vote for Ron Paul in the Primary election then America is fucked plain and simple. I am not saying that to scare you, I am saying that because it is the truth. I don’t like some of Ron Paul’s issues either, but at least he is anti-war both for Iraq and Iran and he is not a puppet to Israel. Last congressional election America did little other than paint the car a new color. It looks like the presidential election will be the same because of all the moron leftists will vote for Obama or some other shill just because they are not a Republican.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel, so long as Americans continue to elect Zionists, there will always be wars of profiteering for Israel. Bush leaving office means nothing if he is replaced with another Zionist shill like Obama or Hillary. The best strategy Obama can use is to compare himself to Hillary as if they are the only people running because given those choices people would choose Obama. And that is the tactic Time magazine used by throwing those two on the cover. At the same time Zionist TWAOL media ran the same ad (and yes it was an ad) on the front page news of AOL. Well we can deduce then that the media mogul Edgar Bronfman jr. (son of Edgar Bronfman sr. the president of the World Jewish Congress) wants Obama for president.

But you see those two warmongering Zionist pieces of trash are not the only choices in this election. Anyone supporting the war with Iran, which both Hillary and Obama do, should not even be being considered. This country is strongly anti-war and that does not just mean leaving Iraq it also mean not attacking anymore countries based on lies. We don’t have the money or the manpower to do it.

The media of course only mentions people like Edwards and company ranting about Iraq, a war he voted for and supported fully during the Kerry campaign, but not mentioning his war lust for Iran. All three of the current top Democrats are pro-Israel and have stated that the US is not doing enough about Iran.

People over 45 who statistically do not use the internet much or at all for news do not have a clue what is going on because all of their media is filtered to them by the mega-media conglomerates which are from top to bottom a Zionist arm of the administration. These are the people we must go out and reach. If we do not do this we are doomed, because these poor souls who have not broken through the monopoly over media will be suckered into the same old lame tricks and lies that have worked for decades.

A problem with mob rule democracy is that politicians can ignore intelligent people and aim at the masses lowest common denominator with flashy propaganda. Whoever has the most money can afford the most TV time and use the most propaganda. This is why the Republican Party was hijacked by Christian evangelist. That herd votes in a block and has a very authoritarian personality type. The advantage of sheep like ideas is that they can be grasped by the many and they have unity. What we have now is theatre. Politicians market themselves like they were a consumer item.

With the TV they can create reality. If Americans do not want to go to war then just threaten them by lying to them. If the lie is on TV then enough Americans will believe it. The “News” has become like a holy sacrament of truth even though the mass media has a history of perpetual lying and cover ups. Too many people will not admit to themselves that the media is lying lol until they see that in the media, as if the press is going to tell on itself. The Facts are facts. The Administration was not the only group lying to the American people. The American media was a full partner in the lies and the cover up. I think compiling an abcd list of the lies would be an insult to your intelligence. Unless you have been in a coma, then you should know about it or you are one of the baseline, bottom feeding, ignoramus, sheep I am talking about.

The Bush Kerry election was so bad and turned my stomach so much that I left the country. Idiots were fighting for Kerry yet I already knew from the primaries that it was already over. Do you want a Globalist or an American imperialist; should I poke out your right eye or your left? How could anyone get excited and defend a warmongering, Zionist like Kerry or a warmongering, Zionist, Neoconservative like Bush? The only difference was that Kerry had an above a fourth grade reading level, where as Bush is an idiot. If we get stuck in the same situation because Americans become suckers and vote for who they hate the least instead of who the like the most then we get what we deserve.


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