Monday, March 19, 2007

Four Year Anniversary of the illegal US occupation of Iraq

Today marks four years of the United States illegally occupying Iraq. What was once a land rich with opportunity, has now become nothing more than a former shell of itself, tared apart by a raging civil war between the Shiite's and the Sunnis.

We know who wanted this war, and who has benefited from it. The same group (OSP) who were spreading the monstrous lies about Iraq in 02 and 03, included some of the same people who co-authored the Israeli Policy Papers in 1996 for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu. In the Policy Papers, it clearly states wars over energy resources and the removal of Saddam Hussein as an "important Israeli objective in its own right". Of course, this has not been mentioned by the mainstream media. But I think that is because they are having too much fun reporting on the death of semi-celebrity Anna Nicole Smith. It all becomes much more clearer once you figure out who controls the media and the people behind it.

The Zionist in the Pentagon and in the Office of Special Plans(OSP), lead by Douglas Feith, are the people who fabricated intelligence to fit the accusations of the Iraqi regime having or trying to aquire WMD's. The OSP was created to obtain and supply senior Bush Administrations officials with raw intelligence. The OSP stovepiped intelligence to the White House to justify a war with Iraq. And by stovepiping I mean the OSP was piping, or feeding the White House raw intelligence that had bypassed established procedures for review by professional intelligence anaylyst for validity.

Now, it is quite obvious why the intelligence fabricated by the OSP and the Defence Policy Board (DPB) had to be stovepiped. It is because the intelligence was FAKE. It was not mistaken or bad intelligence as the media would have you believe. They were concious LIES sold to the American public to justify a war, and the mainstream media served as the cheerleader, regurgitating the lies verbatim. Lapdogs like Judith Miller and Michael Gordon of the New York Times for example.

If the fabricated intelligence was not stovepiped, it would have been subject to reviwing and would have been exposed as lies. You do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out for yourselves.

How convienient that the OSP was shut down 3 months after the illegal invasion of Iraq. The OSP members and its creator (Donald Rumsfeld) knew the lies would eventually be tracked backed to them and their group. That is why the OSP was nixed 3 months after the illegal invasion of Iraq. Also how convinient, that Douglas Fieth resigned from his position after one of the people who worked under him, Larry Franklin, was caught spying for Israel and AIPAC's headquarters were physically raided by the FBI. But wait, it gets worse. Franklin was also in Italy with Michael Ledeen when the documents that said Saddam was trying to aquire uranium from Niger were forged. Coincidence, obviously not, as you would have to be a fool to think so.

I will try and cover the Niger forgeries and post it ASAP, so you can see we have all been gotten, and now its time to pass this information on to others before another illegal invasion happens (Iran). If we do not learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them, or also be lied to again.

In short I want to leave you with a message that I heard someone say today. Should be said more often: "Enough is enough, everyone should be speaking out, get off your asses stop watching American Idol and stop this mindless killing!"

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