Friday, March 9, 2007

Lewis "Scooter" Libby CONVICTED!

On tuesday March 6th, 2006, Dick Cheney's former Cheif of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby was found GUILTY on 4 of 5 counts he was being held at trial for. All I can say is, Hallelujah!. When it was annoucned that libby was CONVICTED! a little after 12 noon tuesday afternoon, I jumped for joy like a 9 yr old boy learning he's won an unlimited shopping spree to Toys' R US!!

Obstruction of justice: GUILTY!
False statements to FBI investigators about conversations with Tim Russert? GUILTY!
False statement to FBI investigators about conversations with Matt Cooper? not guilty =(
Perjury to the grand jury about Tim Russert conversation? GUILTY!
Perjury to the grand jury about Matt Cooper coversation? GUILTY!

Scooter Libby was simply more than Cheney's Cheif of Staff, he was a member of the Office of Special Plans (OSP), the Zionist blood for money cabal that cranked out the lies concerning Iraq and Saddam Hussein in the run up to the illegal invasion of Iraq. Almost every single member of the OSP was a Zionist, held dual citizenship with Israel, and more importantly, had ties to the Israeli government stemming from years back when Benjamin Netenyahu was the Israel Prime Minister.

Libby was also a member of Project For A New American Century (PNAC), the Zionist Neoconservative think tank which calls for full spectrum dominance and the need for a catastrophic event, like a new Pearl Harbor. Of course, the mainstream media did'nt mention this, but I wouldnt and didn't expect them too. Nor did the mainstream media mention the Niger forgeries..but thats fine. I'll be covering that in the next coming blogs

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